“Please incorporate this page into the one for Julia Nickson at https://www.listal.com/julia-nickson”

"It's hilarious how it seems like about a quarter of the people here claim to be part Cherokee Indian. I would be willing to bet that with most of them, it's just family folklore that they were part N"

"It's strange -- I have always considered "petite" to mean both short *and* of a slim build. Many of the women shown here are indeed below average in height, but have full figures. To me, they're jus"

"Seriously: this list needs to be curated. It's just ASININE that people have added Elizabath Taylor, Audrey Hepburn, Kathryn Hepburn, Shirley Temple, et al, to a list of "forgotten actresses". It ru"

"Blue Pineapple -- are you (or is anyone else reading this) aware of the names for the hairstyles that are among two of the most popular ones here: (1) the style shown on Grace Kelly and Annamaria Pier"